Book & DVD Combo
Lucky Three Ranch
This award winning book and DVD collection details the “whys” of the specific exercises in the training series. Detailing an athletic conditioning program for both you and your equine, it is complete with contributions from equine-care professionals. The manual is over 200 pages with color photographs; the DVD has over 2 hours of instruction and interviews.
- A Healthy Beginning (Part 1)
Meredith examines components of preventive maintenance for all equines with a team of experts to cover every aspect of the equine’s physical health and psychological well-being, including hoof care with Master Farrier, Rusty May, sequential training and how to communicate effectively with your equine.
- Balance, Body Awareness & Good Posture (Part 2)
Meredith explains the importance of good posture and proper conditioning on the lead line, through obstacles, during trailer loading and in the round pen, including a discussion of equine chiropractics with Kevin Haussler, DVM, CA, PhD, and stretching exercises for your equine.
- Elements of Good Communication (Part 3)
Body awareness or “proprioception” is critical for both rider and equine. Meredith explains important techniques to develop balance, control and communication from your hands to the bit, with an anatomical lesson from G.D. Farrand, DVM and the importance of massage with Joanne Lang, M.C.M.T. (Master Certified Massage Therapist).
- Athletic Conditioning for Longevity (Part 4)
Meredith and Gymkana expert, Loyd Hawley discuss the importance of proper conditioning for optimal performance and long-term equine health. Sequential training, preventive conditioning techniques and stretching are paramount for older and abused animals’ rehabilitation, longevity and well being.
Special Features include information on the Equine Skeletal System, How to Make and Use and Elbow Pull, Working with Obstacles, Choosing the Right Bit and Developing Your Hands.