Jasper: An April Mule's Day (Book)

Jasper: An April Mule's Day (Book)

Lucky Three Ranch Store

$ 19.99 $ 15.99

Jasper woke to a beautiful and peaceful April morning that promised a brand new day. However, Moxie was nowhere to be seen. As Jasper would soon discover, this was not just another day...it was APRIL FOOLS' DAY! Jasper was just about to find out what this really means. Where was Moxie? Would he finally come out to play? Would they have yet another amazing adventure like they always did? The day slowly unfolded with unexpected pranks and lots of smiles and laughter. But nothing could compare to the ultimate April Fools' Day joke that emerged suddenly at the end of the day! It truly was an April Mule's Day!

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